How To Become Rich - The Number One Reason You're Not Already Rich

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hey this is Leo for actualised org and in this video I'm gonna tell you how to become rich okay welcome back let's crack into this topic of how to become rich there's so many ideas that I can share with you here but I'm gonna stick to something focused I want to focus on something and I'm gonna give you some wisdom here not a gimmick not a get-rich-quick gimmick I'm gonna give you some wisdom all right so if you really want to get rich do you really want to get rich okay if you do here's what you got to do you have to become a creator I want you to be a creator in your life you have to be creating something of value in order to become rich unless you plan to rob a bank then you're not gonna become a rich any other way so what does it mean to be a creator and are you a creator right now this is important question and of course the question goes even deeper into how much of a creator are you and what the hell are you creating with your time and your energy and your money people who are poor are really not creators what they do is they sell themselves out to an employer who then uses their services and you do work for the employer and you get paid X amount of dollars per hour per month per year whatever the term is and therefore sure you could be creating stuff at your work I'm not saying there's a there's there's anything wrong with that but you're not creating that much you should be creating more to become rich you really need to create a lot and you need to control the creation this is critical you need to control the creation because right now for your boss you probably are creating stuff maybe you're creating reports if you're writing things maybe you're doing graphic design maybe you're creating engineering schematics or you're providing some sort of organization work as a secretary whatever you're creating right you're creating those reports and organization and maybe you're managing people but you're not owning it the company owns it the boss owns it you're working for somebody it's really really hard to become very wealthy rich working for somebody else why because they control the creation and they control the value and they put a glass ceiling basically on how much you can be earning and how much value even you can be generating for them because you might right now be stuck in a position where you are actually wanting to create more you want to create more value for the company you want to do more for it for that project you want to do more for your boss and this is very frustrating because that boss or that company might actually not want you to be doing more they might not be listening to your ideas they might not be hearing you out maybe you have a brilliant idea right now that will earn millions of dollars for your company but you're just in a position where you can't really exercise any any creative control you have no power authority to get that idea pass through and realize so that that value will never be generated it will never be realized and you will then never see the payoff from that so just a general formula for how to earn money I talked about this other videos I think this is an idea I got from Jim Rohn but somewhere I got this idea I think other people talked about it - it's basically wealth is value so the more value you can generate for the world and other people the more wealth you will generate for yourself it comes back to you this is a very tried-and-true principle so what you got to do is got to position yourself to create more value in the world what does that mean I mean for you it might mean put out more put out more novels put out more writing put out more blog posts put out more you know more engineering schematics if you're engineer put out more computer code if you're if you're a computer programmer but you have to be smart about this that doesn't mean work harder in your job in fact I think that that can be a dangerous trap to fall into is to think that if only I just work harder at my current job that I will become rich actually probably not I mean you might get promotions and sir jobs offer so much room for growth that you actually could become very rich just working in your company and kind of working your way up the corporate ladder but that doesn t pretty rare I actually find that the best way to come rich is to start owning the start owning the creation to do that you generally have to either become partner shareholder stakeholder in some way or you have to start your own business I really recommend the last option starting your own business but don't let that discourage you from generating wealth for yourself even in your current job so I'm not saying quit your job today or you're never gonna be wealthy I'm just saying think down the road I mean be smart about this if you recognize that right now you're not able to have the kind of creative output that you want you're not able to create massive value then start to think what can you do to change that and one of the things might be to start looking for either a new job where you can really express yourself share your gifts more or create your own job create your own business right start fleshing out those ideas so this idea of being a creator you have to be creating something create something what does this really mean well for most of you there are two things here one is put yourself in a position where you actually can be fully expressive the next point is that for many of you you probably are not creating anything in your life right now at all like many of you could be going to just a nine-to-five job where you're doing some piddly type work for an organization whose values you don't really believe in whose mission you don't believe in whose products you don't believe in you don't really care about you're not putting any passion into it and if you're in that position then I do not consider you a creator even if you're creating stuff for the company you're not really a creator a creator of someone who has vision someone who puts their blood and sweat into their work they take their work very personally and they care not about the paycheck and they care about not company loyalty or making sure they don't upset their boss or something silly like that what they care about is creating something beautiful and excellent for Humanity for the world they want to put stuff out that's all the creative cares about a creator this is not some magical unicorn type of person right this is not some mystical fairytale creature a creator is just someone who has really put a lot of value on this some people have this come about more or less naturally through the way they're raised other people maybe like you right now do not see themselves a creator but you can refashion yourself into a creator and when you do Wow you're gonna have some amazing things happen first thing that's going to happen is that you're gonna actually enjoy what you're doing at work the next thing that's gonna happen is that you're just going to get like excited waking up in the morning you're gonna have so much more Drive and passion and people are gonna see that off you the next thing is going to do is that it's actually gonna position you to be extremely rich you can't get rich by doing ordinary work not really I mean if you're extremely lucky maybe you can but you can't really get rich in this world by doing the mediocre work you have to do extraordinary work you have to be exceptional as Seth Godin puts it you have to be creating purple cows you have to be creating things projects or services that are like wow that's remarkable it has to be remarkable so what are you doing what are you creating that's remarkable if you're not creating anything remarkable then you're never gonna be rich so that is the bottom line okay a couple of other points I kind of beat this creator one to death next point I'm going to say is that a lot of you probably right now are saying yes I want to be a creator leo like I this is actually something that I've been really passionate about I've wanted to be creator my whole life I've been thinking about it but I'm just stuck I'm stuck things are not letting me be a creator my parents they're holding me back my friends they're holding me back my boss he's holding me back my company is holding me back people don't see my potential people don't see what I can do for them my money situation is holding me back I don't have enough capital I don't have enough capital to start a business I don't have enough money to take some time off to define my life purpose or to to look for a new job I don't have that luxury all right here's the deal this is the biggest thing actually even bigger than being a creator that is holding you back from being rich you're not rich because you're blaming other people you're not taking responsibility for your life and the circumstances that you're in you're not doing it and what's even worse is that you're gonna deny that you're a victim that you're making yourself a victim you're gonna deny this you're gonna blame me for telling you and accusing you of being a victim and you're gonna say to yourself but no these are real problems that I have in my life this is tangible I don't have money my mom is really holding me back my dad is really holding me back my spouse is really holding me back my boss he's a total jerk total has no vision doesn't see the my potential you're gonna say that all that is true for you that's true for you and that I am wrong I'm not wrong I am right and you are wrong right now you are putting yourself in such a victim position that you are not even realizing what you're doing and here's what's gonna happen is that you can either be a victim and stay a victim in your life and keep getting the kind of results that you've been getting or you can open your mind up and accept these new ideas and let your ego get bruised by the fact that you are sabotaging your own life and start to make the hard change that you've got to take to start to get a transformation in this case becoming rich your boss he's not really holding you back what's holding you back is your thought that your boss is holding you back your parents they're not really holding you back what's holding you back is your thought that your parents are holding you back it's the assumptions that you have it's the assumptions that you have about what you need to move forward I don't have enough money how can I move forward my parents they're so negative and controlling and dominating in the way they raised me how can I possibly move forward my health my health is bad I don't feel good maybe I have some illness how can I possibly now move forward from that I mean these are these are real physical tangible things my boss he really won't let me get promoted he doesn't want to hear my ideas how can I get past that I hear what you're saying and I know exactly how it feels because I feel this way at times and I've definitely been there but this is the biggest thing that is holding you back from creating wealth from being rich and really getting success in any area of your life it's holding you back so much because what you're doing is you're giving your power away to all these external circumstances you're being mesmerized by your external circumstances check out another video I have where I talk about internal versus versus external circumstances and inner and outerworld where I really hammer at this distinction and how important it is what's happening right now is that you're limiting your options because you think that you're stuck and you've got these assumptions but really what you're doing is you're thinking inside a very small confined little box the little box is keeping you where you're at just keeping you kind of comfortable but also very frustrated what you've got to do is you've got to expand that idea you got to expand it and the way to do that is to say okay from now on no more bitching no more complaining no more negative thinking no more finger-pointing I am responsible 100% for my whole life for everything I mean everything that happens to you I don't just mean when you cut somebody off on your way to work because you're so rushed and then that person flicks you off you're not just responsible for that you're obviously responsible for that I mean you're responsible everything you are responsible for your boss being an and not listening to you you are responsible for your parents having a negative impact on your life and holding you back you are responsible for where you're living you're responsible for how much you're earning you're responsible for your health you're responsible for everything everything you don't want to hear this I know you don't it's very threatening to your ego you know what's also awesome though what's awesome is that when you accept this what this means is that you have complete power to change everything in your life and that my friends is true that is very true and that is what you were denying yourself because when you create this victim mentality when you cast yourself as a victim what that means is that you can stay a victim and there's a psychological payoff that you get from being a victim which is whoa on to me I'm a victim I can't do anything I don't have to go out there and work my ass off to change when you accept responsibility for everything all the sudden the whole world opens up to you everything is possible everything is possible and now you see opportunities and you see things that you can do and you see also the really scary thing and this is why you do not want to take responsibility for your life you see the scary thing which is so scary that the reason that you're not more successful is because of you it's because of you it's because you're afraid of your own potential that is the real truth of why you won't take responsibility for your life is you are afraid of what it will take of you to work to live into your full potential so we've got a little deep there but this is basically what you need to do to get rich this is some wisdom all right some of these concepts are a little bit abstract you might have been were looking for a way to earn some quick cash that's not what I'm giving it here and that's not going to really be helpful to you this is much more helpful but you need to have the long term vision to see how this connects and how this can really transform your life if you start applying this stuff you start applying it all right really think about this start by taking full responsibility right now don't pass the buck on to anyone else the buck stops with you all right this is Leo I'm reassigning off leave me your comments I love to hear feedback from you guys I use it to improve my videos and create new ones off your suggestions then like this and share this so that it spreads around other people get the message and of course check out actualized org where we 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